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BYOD: Latest news!

Last school year,  2019-2020, we started the program Bring Your Own Device – BYOD with the purpose of strengthening the use of technology for learning purposes. This program allows teachers and students to transform classroom practices by promoting the skills of the 21st century: creativity, innovation, communication and problem-solving. 

We follow the standards of the ISTE – International Society for Technology in Education, which are “designed to empower the voice of the student and ensure learning is a student-driven processâ€. Please take a look at the following poster designed by ISTE, where each of these standards is explained; at school, ISTE is seen as an interdisciplinary curriculum across all the different subjects from Pk to 12th Grade.

We are proud to start BYOD this year with a renewed logo and great expectations ahead! We are taking our curriculum to the next level!

Enrollment in our Management Device System (Mosyle) for students from last year will take place remotely on Monday, August 31st.  For 4th Grade students and new ones, enrollment will take place at our campus face-to-face on Tuesday, September 1st, and for students who are changing devices, the procedure will take place at our campus on Wednesday, September 2nd. All parents received newsletters at the beginning of the week.

Looking forward to using technology in innovative ways to enrich teaching and learning!  

Resumen: El año pasado, 2019-2020, comenzamos el programa Trae tu Propio Dispositivo – BYOD – con el objetivo de fortalecer el uso de la tecnologÃ

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Inspirer et éduquer les élèves pour qu'ils prennent leur vie en main en pensant au monde. 

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