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Enriching Vocabulary Describing Their Favorite Place – English Class – 3rd Grade

During this term, students worked on the vocabulary related to one of the most important places for them, their house. They chose their favorite room in the house and designed it. Students were able to imagine their dream bedroom as well . According to their design, students followed the writing process to describe their room using prepositions of place and the vocabulary studied. They answered some questions, wrote sentences and put them together in a descriptive paragraph . Through self-evaluation and feedback students improved their writing to end up with their final quality work. (SESIR)

Maria Clemencia Pinzón English Teacher 2nd and 3rd Grade. Shared Classroom Teacher Family Coordinator 2nd Grade

Résumé :

Durante este periodo , los estudiantes trabajaron el vocabulario relacionado con uno de los lugares más importantes para ellos, su casa. Escogieron su habitación favorita y la diseñaron. Los estudiantes también pudieron imaginar la habitación de sus sueños. De acuerdo con su diseño siguieron el proceso de escritura para describirla utilizando preposiciones de lugar y el vocabulario estudiado. Respondieron preguntas, escribieron oraciones y la unieron para obtener un párrafo descriptivo. A través de la autoevaluación y retroalimentación, los estudiantes mejoraron sus escritos para cerrar con un producto final de calidad.

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