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“One Tree per Child”: Jon Dee’s Visit

“When a child plants a tree or a shrub, it doesn’t just help the environment and wildlife but can also have a really positive impact on the child and their community”. Jon Dee

Our school welcomes Jon Dee, an Australian environmentalist and broadcaster who has promoted social and environmental change. Jon launched the international initiative called ‘One Tree Per Child’ co-founded with Olivia Newton-John. In addition, Jon and Olivia have planted over 10 million native trees and shrubs across Australia as part of ‘National Tree Day’. With these initiatives, they want “to inspire people to make a difference and give back by volunteering, making a donation or carrying out a simple random act of kindness.” Rochester School wants to work together with Jon Dee and become part of his project ‘One Tree Per Child’. As Jon mentions: “We’re very excited about working with Rochester School, we have a really shared vision with them of the importance of getting children to plant trees. They already have a project called ‘Planting life, planting trees’ where they’re planting 5,000 trees by June this year in the municipality of Chia”.

As a school, we are committed to mitigate climate crisis by favoring sustainable practices for the sake of future generations. Starting this year, our preschool students (who will start the 2020-2021 school year) will plant a native tree on the school’s grounds. Both the kid and the tree will grow together and the kid will learn to take care of the environment and the wildlife, being this their first act of giving back to their community as Jon mentioned in his interview with WRadio Colombia.

Jon, thank you for choosing Rochester School! 

Resumen: nuestro Colegio le da la bienvenida a Jon Dee, ambientalista y presentador australiano que ha generado un cambio social y ambiental significativo. Jon, y Olivia Newton-John, son fundadores de la iniciativa internacional ‘One Tree Per Child’ y el programa nacional en Australia ‘National Tree Day’.  Jon y Olivia tienen el firme propósito de “inspirar a las personas a hacer la diferencia y contribuir a través del voluntariado, donaciones o realizando un simple acto de bondad”. El Colegio Rochester quiere ser parte de la iniciativa ‘One Tree Per Child’ y nos sentimos muy contentos de esta oportunidad. Como Jon lo menciona: “Estamos muy entusiasmados de trabajar con el Colegio Rochester, tenemos una visión realmente compartida sobre la importancia de lograr que los niños planten árboles. Ya tienen un proyecto llamado ‘Plantando vida, plantando árboles’; a finales de junio de este año habrán plantado 5,000 árboles en el municipio de Chía”.

Como Colegio estamos comprometidos con mitigar la crisis climática al favorecer prácticas sostenibles por el bienestar de las generaciones futuras. A partir de este año, nuestros estudiantes de preescolar (que ingresan para el año escolar 2020-2021) plantarán un árbol nativo en las instalaciones del Colegio. Tanto el niño(a), como el árbol, crecerán juntos y el niño(a) aprenderá a cuidar el ambiente y la vida silvestre, siendo éste su primer acto de retribuir a su comunidad; como Jon mencionó en su entrevista con WRadio Colombia.

Jon, ¡gracias por escoger el Colegio Rochester!

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