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Rochester School Recognized at the Environment and Sustainable Development Fair (FIMA)

The Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development invited Rochester School to attend the International Environment Fair – FIMA held at Corferias from September 29th to October 2nd, 2021.

Jorge Quintero, Director of Sustainability, participated in the panel where he shared significant experiences of education for sustainability incorporated into Rochester School´s curriculum, as a pioneer in topics of water treatment, waste management, and air and climate protection.

Liliana Valencia Communications Coordinator

Resumen: Por invitación del Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, el Colegio Rochester asistió a la Feria Internacional del Medio Ambiente FIMA llevada a cabo en Corferias del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre. 

Jorge Quintero, Director de Sostenibilidad, participó en el panel donde compartió experiencias significativas de educación para la sostenibilidad involucradas en el currÃ




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