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Solidarity in Times of Crisis

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133

The world is living a difficult time, perhaps very few could have imagined that we had to be confined for a long period of time, and that everything we were used to, had to change. Now, we face many challenges ahead: How to teach and work from home? How to keep healthy now that we can’t go out? How to maintain our well-being and mental health? How to get closer to those we live with? How to rethink our routines, habits and ways of living? How to take some time to pause, stop and debrief what’s happening? What is really important and relevant at the moment?

The fact we need to stay at home to protect others is an invitation to think as a community and not as individuals. More than before, we need from one another, we need to trust that everyone is taking good care of themselves and then, we all together will survive this pandemia. As one very touching commercial said “we are playing one of the most important matches of our lives, and we’ll win only if we play it as a team”, and playing as a team, implies, being responsible for those we care, for those who depend upon us and for those who need our help.

Among all this misfortunate times, there are things we can cherish and be thankful for:

  1. We have a home where our basic needs are taken care of.

  2. We have a family to rely on when we are feeling sad or lonely.

  3. We have food that we can share with family members which provides us with the necessary support to fuel our  immune system. 

  4. We have a lot of people who help in times of need.

  5. We still have our jobs and responsibilities to help other in need.

  6. We are part of a global community  which is reorganizing itself so in the future we can enjoy the sunshine and the moonlight with those we deeply love.

Let’s pray together for a bright future for all of us. In this sense we kindly invite you to share with us the Palm Sunday Celebration of the Catholic Community, with a mass that will be held on Sunday, April 5th  at 10:00 a.m. Please join us in the following link:

Resumen: nuestro mundo está viviendo un tiempo difícil, pocos hubieran imaginado que tendríamos que estar confinados por un largo período, y todo aquello a lo que estábamos acostumbrados, tenía que cambiar. El hecho de quedarnos en casa para proteger a otros es una invitación a pensarnos como comunidad y no como individuos. “Estamos jugando uno de los partidos más importantes de nuestras vidas y lo ganaremos si lo jugamos en equipo” y jugar en equipo implica ser responsable por aquellos a quienes queremos, aquellos que dependen de nosotros y aquellos que necesitan nuestra ayuda.

En medio de estos tiempos inciertos, hay cosas que podemos apreciar y estar por las cuales estar agradecidos:

  1. Tenemos una casa donde nuestras necesidades básicas están siendo atendidas.

  2. Tenemos una familia con la cual contar cuando nos sentimos tristes o solos.

  3. Tenemos comida que podemos compartir con nuestros familiares, lo cual nos proporciona el soporte necesario para alimentar nuestro sistema inmune.

  4. Tenemos muchas personas a quienes ayudar en tiempos de necesidad.

  5. Tenemos nuestros trabajos y responsabilidad de ayudar a otros.

  6. Somos parte de una comunidad global, la cual se está reorganizando para que en el futuro podamos disfrutar la luz del sol y la luz de la luna con aquellos que amamos.

Los invitamos a orar juntos por un futuro mejor para todos nosotros. Están todos invitados a la celebración del Domingo de Ramos de la comunidad católica, con una misa el próximo domingo, 5 de abril a las 10:00 a.m. Para acompañarnos, por favor unirse usando el siguiente link:

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